Wednesday, 6 April 2016

A week in the life of an above average* runner

I know what you're all thinking. ‘Above average? What a cocky twat' (because God FORBID anyone says anything positive about themselves these days) – but technically, I am. My Parkrun age grading is 69-70%, meaning there are only 31-30% of women in my age group who have ran faster than me at one of the many Saturday morning 5kms.

Anyway, now we’ve cleared that up… I thought it might be interesting to document my training over an average week (barrel of laughs, me). I'm a bit worried that I might come off as A. boring, or B. ridiculously slow for the amount I do, but there we go.


I read this thing once that to be a #fitspo (fitspiration – fitness inspiration) you should ‘never miss a Monday’. My alarm goes off at 6am so I can be ready to leave home at around 7.15. I drive to the athletics track in Whitehall then walk around 5km (maybe a bit less) to work. I go to the gym Monday lunchtime and fanny around trying to get me a set of cheese grater abs (planks, sit ups, leg raises, toe touches etc) and get back to work for 1.45ish. At 5pm I leave work, go back to the gym to get changed then walk back to the track. Monday’s are intervals so we usually go on the field and do a session of around ten 2, 3 or 4min efforts with 60/90 seconds rest in between. THIS IS BLOODY HARD. Running on grass is horrific. I get home between 8-8.30pm and eat my tea (thanks Ben) before getting into bed and watching the OJ Simpson thing on BBC2 (OJ is such a bellend, AM I RIGHT?).

Ben drops me halfway to work on a Tuesday, so yaaaay my alarm doesn't go off until 6.30. I walk around 4km to work from my drop off point and feel SUPER cool in my walking-to-work trainers and professional office woman work attire. I go to circuits at the gym at 12.30 for 45 minutes. It says circuits but it's more like bodypump? Lots of squats and stuff with a big bar (I only have 10kg on mine because I'm a dainty lady) and I always get a proper sweat on. Big bum muscles are essential, you know. Shower then back to work until HOMETIIIIME. On Tuesday's I usually run the long way home, which is about 6 miles depending on my route. Luckily I have a really cool running rucksack to carry my belongings so I get allllll the wolf whistles as I trundle home. I always have a jacket potato on a Tuesday because I am extremely anal about food hahahah ***nervous laughter***. That's me done for the day.

I usually set my alarm for 5.43am (lol, anal) on a Weds and get a 35 minute run in before work. It means I can be home before 6.45 and shower as usual. Another halfway to work drop off so around 4km walk. I always take my gym kit with me ‘just in case’ but usually am too tired to go on my lunch. I walk another 4km to meet Ben for a lift home. Wednesday is the only night we are both free so DATE NIGHT. No one needs to go what goes on on a Wednesday evening… lol.

Thursday is TRACK NIGHT so it's  6am alarm and drive to the track. Walk 5km to work (yawn, you get it, I know…) and SOMETIMES go to the gym for a core workout on my lunch break. I say sometimes because I'm not really supposed to do this and I know Mum, Sarah, Charlotte and Dave will all roll their eyes at me. After work I walk back to the track and do around 6 laps warm up. Our session is usually something like 4x600, 4x400, 4x200m and without fail I ALWAYS find something to moan about. My coach Dave has the patience of a saint. I usually get home about 8.30pm and Ben (glorious man that he is) mostly waits for me to get home so we can cook and eat together.

I get dropped halfway to work on a Friday so have a laaaavly morning walk. I am such a walking wanker these days, but it saves me loads of money on bus fare and I am peasant poor so fuck you all. I usually go the gym on my lunch and do a HIIT workout (star jumps, squat jumps, mountain climbers, burpees etc). After work I either run home, or get the bus (once a week is fine haha…) and then attend whatever amazing social event I've been invited to that night. #friends

PARKRUN, possibly. My wonderful friends Simone and Connie have caught the parkrun bug (Issy – I wasn’t sure if you loved it really…) and its encouraged me to start going again. For anyone who doesn't know what Parkrun is, read about it HERE. I've ran with both of them while they got PBs and sometimes it's so much nicer to help someone else rather than being selfish and trying to bomb it round for your own PB. I usually go home and do some core stuff in front of the TV while Ben watches Soccer AM, so that's not annoying at all for him. Poor bloke.

EITHER: extremely hungover, so not moving unless for a plate of nachos and a tub of Hagem Daaz salted caramel ice cream. OR: long run through Snuff Mills (amazing woods by my house), usually 45-50 minutes. Home in time for Sunday Brunch and mega sloth aaaaalllllll day.

SO THAT’S ME. Wow that is a lot for someone who has only just got under 21 mins for their 5km. It's also a lot of organising – I am never without my gym kit (in case the moment arises that I can drop down and do 75 burpees) and to be honest it's probably a bit OTT but it makes me happy and keeps me sane. I also have the unfaltering patience of my roomie and loverboy, who is probably sick to death of seeing me in full lycra, bun head in tow.

Also I love fudge so need to balance out my clotted-cream booty. Clotted-cream ass, now that's an image to leave you with…

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