HAHAHA sorry, of course I am talking about my 'stomach biopsy', and not anything else that anyone else may have been thinking of. Naughty Dr Griffiths. No no, yesterday I was put through the pain of having a camera shoved down my throat to try and solve my eating problems once and for all. Despite asking for a numbing spray, none was given (I have a feeling that they forgot...) and I was subject to 10 minutes of extreme pain and the feeling of being continuously sick. It reminded me a lot of one drunken moment in a toilet cubicle at uni, ahhhh the memories.
Knowing there was a 1 mile relay on at Eastville Park yesterday evening, I was determined not to miss out and had the whole afternoon off work to recover from the pounding I received from Dr Griffith. I was very flattered to get messages from a few fellows runners asking if I was running, so OF COURSE I had to make an appearance - can't let down the team now can I?!?
A nap on the sofa and a lot of sympathy from my dad (who has probably stopped reading this already) meant I was welllll up for a good time. I'd never done a mile race before so either way I'd get a PB, aka I could brag and be really smug and my friends would send me cute well done texts (Rosa, Mott, Simone - you are always babes). I was paired (tripled) up with Hen and Tracy, two of my favourite running ladies who - handily - are both speed demons. I put my journalism degree to good use and came up with the innovative team name of 'Best Buddies', whateverrrrrr everyone's got to start somewhere haven't they?!? To avoid running against my mother, I was put in the first leg, followed by Tracy second leg and Hen third. A quick trip to the loo and we were PUMPEDDDD. And I really wanted a medal and was hoping for wine (no wine, but free ice cream, chuffed).
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The dream team... |
Lining up for the 7.15pm start I noticed there was a distinct lack of women and a lotttt of men who looked a lot faster than me (and not like they'd had anything shoved in their mouth that morning). In my head I was just like YOLO - my dad was there so I knew he'd be cheering me on in the classic Steve Jolliffe BOOOOOMING VOICE so really, I was already winning. Also I didn't want to let my team down, these 'fun' relays are not actually fun; they are extremely competitive and I didn't want Tracy and Hen to resent me forever when I crawled in at last place, having picked up my free ice cream on the way round. No wayyyyy.
The gun went and I have to admit, I suddenly turned into a hybrid of a pitbull terrier and some sort of steam-roller. I was all over the place - it reminded me of a particularly cocky moment in year 8 when I elbowed three girls off the track because, well, they weren't very fast anyway. I was a very twatty 13 year old... I nearly knocked a fellow Bristol runner into a tree (sorry, Jane!) and clearly thought I was doing the 100m sprint. Definitely new to this distance hahaha... Such an amateur. Luckily the first bit was downhill so I kind of flopped down it, ran past mum ("NOT TOO FAST EM" - helpful in a race, calls herself an athlete) and concentrated on not thinking about my stomach being full of air (cheers Doc). By the time I'd looked at my watch I was going back up the other side of the hill and was starting to wish I'd listened to mum... But it was on 4 mins 30 so I just told myself to push push push, ignore that back sweat and WELL even if I do really shit I bet no one else was crying on a hospital bed this morning so I don't care. The twattiness has never really left me...
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Entirely different race but there we go... |
I got to the last 300m before the finish, where Tracy was waiting to take over from me. As I rounded the last corner I heard the trusty 'GO ON EMMMMM' from my dad so put in a bit of sprint (although 'running in treacle' came to mind) and slapped Tracy's hand like a good'un - my watch said 6.40 and we were in third!
Unfortunately the course wasn't great for spectating so I didn't get to see much of my team during their legs, but as seasoned athletes I was sure that no one would overtake them. Already dreaming of our third place glory, I told Hen to 'DO A SPRINT' (literally the most annoying thing to ever hear when you are blowing out of your arse hahah, I'm so sorry Hen) and of coooourse we ended in a blaze of glory as third ladies team. Obviously the running mums did one better and got silver, with Jane in their team as well - thank god she survived the steamrolling start line, and we all got medals, tshirts and ice cream. OH and I got to tell people about my traumatic and innuendo-filled morning at the hospital, which made me sound like suuuuch a trooper.
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Mum, Sarah and Jane |
Another good evening race put on by Sri Chinmoy (again, what a man) and although I am a competitive little shit, there were actually people there who run genuinely for the enjoyment and obviously the social side of it is wonderful. Sounding so soppy, but the people at running are SO lovely - it makes giving up my evenings for my quest of glory a lot easier.
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We won the championship!! Bristol and West AC |
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