With a very important 10km coming up (as well as a triathlon - more on that later), I was quite conscious about not being a total slug for a whole week. I realise this is COMPLETELY ridiculous and probably really annoying - I can see the eye rolls from here - but girl got aims, ya feel meeeee? I only went for two runs while I was away, and ate plenty of food to make up for it so you don't need to cart me off in a straight-jacket just yet. Running abroad was actually amazing (lolz, totally Ghandi) and here is why:
You get to wear basically nothing
My friends know that I love nothing more than stripping off and generally being quite 'spirited'. Running in 30 degree heat is a great excuse for this. Sports bra and short-shorts and you are GOOD TO GO! No one gives a shit if you aren't wearing any clothes because its bloody hot and fair play to you sisterrrrr. MOVE DAT ASS. Allow the inner exhibitionist in you to run free (literally) - but not so free that you give yourself two black eyes. A bra is, unfortunately, always required.
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You have NO IDEA where you are going
I've heard a few people talking about 'naked running' recently. I'm afraid this has nothing to do with my previous point (sad face) but is when you run without music or a GPS watch, meaning you just 'run how you feel' and don't obsess over minutes per mile and whatnot. As someone who is always chasing PBs and loves a good split breakdown, it was well weird, but nice, to run along a completely random road*, not knowing how far it was or how fast I was going.
*for the benefit of my parents - this road was 'random' but also was a MAIN ROAD and there was no chance I was going to get into any trouble. Plus I was running welllllll fast so eat my dustttt potential attackers.
Foreign people
TAKING OUR JOBS. Haha, no no I am joking, the Daily Mail is a pile of shite and if people have the skills then by all means give them jobs. Anyway that's for another day... I love people who aren't English!!! They are so friendly. During my first run, which was a steady 35 minutes, I overtook a German man (getting them back for the football I suppose...). If he was English, it would've turned into a 2 and half hour race along the main road, with the middle aged bloke unwilling to give up and just LET A FEMALE WIN. Well, not this wonderful German man. He laughed, said something beginning with 'Ich bin....' and then tucked in behind me as we ran up the hill. I thought it was a bit weird he was running soooo close, but nevertheless as we got to the top he cheerily thanked me for pacing him and ran off down an alley. What a babe.
(I just realised I wrote that a man 'tucked in behind me' - running lingo for my non-running friends)
Beautiful Majorca... |
Wearing 'contraband'
If you watched I'm a Celeb this year then you'll know that contraband is very much frowned upon and use of these banned items is taken VERY SERIOUSLY by the general public. I still love you Amy!!!! My version of this televised scandal comes in the form of a pair of Nike Free Runs. I bought them in New York last year, wore them 4 times and then realised they were killing my very weak c-ankles... So now they live at my boyfriend's house and came with us on holiday. YAYYYYY!!!! My 'Mizuno Waves' went out the window like a discarded teddy bear and I got to run in my pretty grey and mint green Nikes <3. Since starting running properly again my ankles have got loads stronger, which not only means less falling down stairs in clubs, but also that I don't have constant club foot. I always slag off Free Runs - hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all that - but I felt really light when I was running so they can't be that bad. Back in the box now though, until the next secret dalliance...
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The two mistresses... and some beefy thighs |
If, like me, you spend a week lying on your back, slowly turning the colour of watery tomato ketchup, then this tanning malarky may not be for you. But then again, red legs don't go very well with pink shorts and that didn't stop me. For those of you who glow like a Greek goddess, then definitelyyyy run abroad. You can get a tan without even realising it, AND without leaving a sweaty outline of your body on the only towel you've brought for the week.
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It happens to the best of us, Kim |
No one knows who you are...
...And therefore you can convince yourself you are a professional athlete. In my all Nike gear, doing my intervals, with sweat dripping down my back (and my front, LUSH) I felt proper fit. Like, properrrrr. In my head I was thinking 'I bet these holiday makers think I'm on a break from the Commonwealth Games and am gearing up for the European Champs'. UMM WHAT?!?! This thought would never enter my mind in the UK, and won't be happening again. Apart from when a little Spanish boy said 'Hola' and waved at me, which makes me think that Paula Radcliffe probably gets this all the time, and must spend her life constantly close to tears of joy.
Oooohhh yeah. Pass me the Milka.
Smug git |
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