1. Having to wash your hair EVERY SINGLE BLOODY DAY
This was a problem highlighted by Hen at training the other day - going for a run in the evening is all well and good but then you can't exactly turn up for work the next morning rocking a greasy ponytail and hope you don't get sacked. My hair is super dry, super bleached and actually quite grim on a good day, so washing it pretty much every day means I resemble a scarecrow half the time. Also it means I have to get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning, totally nottttttt cool.
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Double whammy of running problems... |
2. The dreaded strawberry face
When I run, I go veryyyyyy red in the face. If I run 30 seconds up the road I'd probably be a salmony pink colour. Sometimes, I go red in work when I walk to the water cooler - haha sorry, too far. Going for a 'quick run' before going out to meet people can be tricky when you are faced with the 'crimson cheek' and shiny forehead - especially irritating that the pinkness stays for at least an hour afterwards, the photo above was taken 36 hours after I raced. Make-up is essential when race photographers are about!
3. People asking why you run
BECAUSE I WANT TO!!!!! Some people choose to play chess, others like video games and a select few enjoy chasing a huge roll of cheese down a hill, but I spend some of my time running. Just because a large majority of people think its boring/hard/weird, doesn't mean I'm to be viewed with suspicion - it's not a cult, it's just a running club. It also means I can eat this family sized bag of 'mini matchmakers' (right now - so good) and not feel too guilty about it, so there.
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4. Camel toe
WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. Hahahah, not really. I think my dad was scarred for life after reading my cycling post. All I shall say is: lycra is sometimes unforgiving and it can really put a girl off her stride if she is constantly worrying about what she looks like down south.......
5. Being told running is bad for your knees
I kid you not, once someone actually said to me "don't you run a lot? Did you know that running is literally the worse thing you can do". Right, THE WORST THING I CAN DO? I can think of a few things off the top of my head that are worse than running - selling drugs to children, picking your toenails and forgetting your mum's birthday just to name a few. Yes, running is hard on the old knees but so is being fat and carrying 45 stone of weight around all day. So swings and roundabouts, really.
6. Having a favourite sports bra
Not that I do that clothes washing in my house - shoutout to my momma - but if you get attached to one sports bra, it can be so frustrating having to wait for it to go through the wash (hahaha, I'm going to get so much shit from my mum after this). I'm currently quite clingy to my Nike sports bra; I've got some good Shock Absorber ones but they just aren't as cool and I'm starting to resent having to wear them when my favourite one isn't available... Oh god I'm actually moaning about a sports bra. Such a hard life.
7. Being a drunken mess
At a mere 5ft 1 and a half, I was never built to be a big-time drinker - but everyone loves a trier. During uni I was pretty much guaranteed to be a mess at least once a week, whether that be being sick by 11pm, having to go home early or being found in the toilet by the manager of a club because I'd fallen asleep with the door locked....... So you get the point, I'm a bit of a lightweight. But since I've started running more, I've gotten even worse - maybe it's because I'm nearly always dehydrated? One Smirnoff Ice down and I start to feel tipsy, and the other day I actually felt a bit drunk after having a LIME AND SODA, no alcohol. Maybe I just have booze running through my veins.
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Napping on a night out, life and soul of the party |
8. Non-running people thinking you are better than you are
LOL, this isn't really a problem but it does make me feel like a bit of a fraud. My wonderful friends have so patiently listened to me talk about running, training plans and racing over the years, and to be honest I've probably made out I'm a bit of a speed machine. Alas, my running lingo can be very deceiving and most of my friends could probably give me a run (OH, a pun) for my money if they did a few weeks of training. Although, when all the girls came to cheer me on at the Bristol Half Marathon I did feel like a maaaaassive superhero, so maybe they don't even care how fast I am, they just want to slap my bum in lycra, absolute babes.
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Waving to the fans, such a hero |
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